Environmental Economics and Management Seminar | Institute of Earth Sciences

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Environmental Economics and Management Seminar

Sun, 04/04/202116:15-17:45
א', 04/04/202116:15-17:45
Speaker: Avi EbensteinAffiliation: Hebrew UniversitySubject: 'Elderly Coresidence and Son Preference: Can Pension Reforms Solve the ‘Missing Women’ Problem?'Abstract: In this paper, I examine the relationship between patrilocal norms that dictate elderly coresidence between parents and sons, and the sex ratio at birth. I argue that concerns over old age support are critical in explaining excess mortality among daughters. First, I demonstrate that sex ratios and coresidence rates are positively correlated when looking across countries, within countries across districts, and within districts across ethnic groups. Second, in a series of case studies, I examine how parents respond to a change in their expectation of relying on sons for old age support. I find that sex ratios decline in response to expansions in the availability of pensions but increase when pensions become less reliable.Zoom meeting