Prof. Efrat Morin
The research group deals with interactions between meteorological and hydrological systems on local to global scales and looking at the past, present and future. The main emphasis is rain, surface runoff and floods, but other directions (hydrological, geomorphological, agricultural and environmental) are also covered (typically in collaboration with other researchers).
The group's research includes: understanding dominant processes and factors in the creation of extreme rainstorms leading to floods, surface runoff modeling, stream flow, floods and soil erosion; The time-space structure of rainstorms and the statistical characteristics of rain intensities; remote sensing of precipitation; development of flood warning systems; urban hydrology; climate changes and their impact on the precipitation regime, streamflow and floods; the effect of climate change on heat waves, droughts, and the development of pest populations; reconstruction of the past precipitation regime; and more.
The research approaches in the group include: development and application of models to analyze and understand systems and processes and to examine hypotheses; development and application of "weather generators" to create synthetic records with appropriate statistical properties as input to models; development, application and interpretation of machine learning models to obtain new insights on hydrological processes and more.
- Research Methods:
The main research methods are the development and application of process-based models, stochastic models and machine learning models; analysis of remote sensing data (radar and satellite) and model data for spatial and temporal characterization of hydrometeorological phenomena; advanced statistical methods for frequency analysis. Databases developed in the group include calibrated rain data from meteorological radar from the 1990s until today, high-resolution meteorological models for multi-precipitation storms. In addition, there are many global and regional databases in the field of hydrometeorology.
- Research Studants:
Talia Rosin (post-doc)
Pelagiya Belyakova (post-doc)
Omri Porat (PhD)
Elyakom Vadislavsky (PhD)
Ayana Neta (PhD in the Faculty of Agriculture, with Shai Morin and Adam Lampert)
Ziv Mor (PhD, With Nadav Lensky)
Raz Nussbaum (MSc)
Yaniv Goldschmidt (MSc, with Francesco Marra)
Atar Bar (MSc, with Tamir Kamai)
Omri Levin (MSc)
Yifat Kimchi (MSc) - Contact Information:
Efrat Morin | 02-6584669 || Room 308 south