International Students

  • International Students



As a pioneering institute in earth sciences, we invite you to explore diverse topics like geology, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, and more. Located in Israel, our proximity to natural wonders like the Dead Sea and Ramon Crater offers unique research opportunities.Witness climatic phenomena firsthand, from desertification to extreme rain events, all within reach. Learn about advanced water treatment and desalination technologies, and explore coral reefs in the Gulf of Eilat.

 We offer international students graduate and postdoctoral scholarships for living expenses and research, housing assistance and close mentoring by world-renowned experts. 




Special Courses

Special Courses

Within the curriculum of the Institute of Earth Sciences, you'll engage in a diverse learning program. This encompasses specialized studies centered on the coral reefs of the Red Sea, and immersive geological field trips in dynamic desert landscapes. You'll also have the opportunity to study cutting edge topics including climate and oceanographic modeling, machine learning, and more.
In addition, we emphasize personal guidance and support throughout the study program, and enable each student to fulfill their personal potential.




Scientific Research at an International Level

At the Institute of Earth Sciences you will find well-known scientists and researchers in their fields, who always happy to share their knowledge and expertise.

The institute's advanced infrastructure, which includes state-of-the-art analytical equipment and innovative laboratories, will allow you to conduct research at the highest level.

To all the research groups

Life in IES



Studying in Jerusalem

Studying in Jerusalem

Studies at the Institute of Earth Sciences offer you the opportunity to experience Jerusalem - an ancient city that combines progress and tradition, warm people and a young, student atmosphere!

The city boasts excellent weather all year round and a myriad of attractions, including bustling markets, cozy bars and restaurants, theaters and outdoor festivals. Convenient public transportation options provide easy access to the surrounding Judean Hills and nearby cities like Tel Aviv. Moreover, Jerusalem's ancient sites, steeped in history, offer a glimpse into the city’s unique cultural heritage. With a diverse population from across the globe, Jerusalem has a truly East-meets-West feel to it.









Questions and Answers:

Is housing assistance provided to students from abroad?

Yes, subsidized dormitories of the Hebrew University are available on the Safra campus in Givat Ram, allowing you to live within walking distance of the institute. You can also rent an apartment outside the campus, in one of Jerusalem’s neighborhoods.For more information


Do I need a visa?

Yes, there are several types of visas depending on your country of origin, the nature of your visit and the length of your stay. For more information click here


Is health insurance necessary?

Yes. Students and postdoctoral fellows who are not citizens of Israel need Israeli health insurance for the duration of their stay in Israel. The university helps international students arrange health insurance. For more information


Is it necessary or possible to learn Hebrew?

At the Institute of Earth Sciences, most courses and research work are conducted in English. Also, most Israelis speak English and it is possible to live your daily life in English without difficulty. If you want to learn Hebrew, the university offers several courses in Hebrew that will enrich your knowledge and reveal a whole world of words and expressions.



International Student Advisor: Dr. Nathan Steiger |