Academic Honors

The Institute of Earth Sciences congratulates its faculty members on their awards for their significant contributions to the scientific community.

Association Membership

Name of the Researcher Association Year
Prof. Yehouda Enzel Geological society of America  2015
GSA (The Geological Society of America) Honorary Fellow 2024
Prof. Hezi Gildor Gledden Visiting Senior Fellowship 2006
JSPS (Japan Society for the promotion of Science) 2009
Prof. Carynelisa Haspel Optical Society of America 2017
Prof. Boaz Luz European Association of Geochemistry 2007
Prof. Oded Navon International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 2015
Prof. Daniel Rosenfeld American Meteorological Society 2003
The European Academy of  Sciences 2013

Prof. Motti Stein

 Geochemistry Fellows (EAG & GS)


Geochemical Society 2019
American Geophysical Union 2022
Israel Geological Society   


Won an ERC grant

Name of the Researcher Association Year

Prof. Hagit Afek

Speleothem paleoclimate: accounting for isotopic disequilibrium


Prof. Haim Garfinkel

Forecasting Surface Weather and Climate at One-Month Leads through Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling


Prof. Ron Shaar GeoArchMag Beyond the Holocene Geomagnetic field resolution 2018


Won awards in Israel

Name of the Researcher Name of the Award Year
Prof. Einat Aharonov Honorary Medal of the Geological Society of Israel 2024

Prof. Yonatan Erez

Mifal HaPais Landau Prize for Arts and Sciences in
the category: Marine Sciences and the Marine Environment


Landau Prize for Arts and Sciences  2014

Prof. Yehoshua Kolodny

Israel Prize for Research in Earth Sciences


Prof. Daniel Rosenfeld Landau Prize for Arts and Sciences 2006
 AMT Award 2015


Won International Awards

Name of the Researcher Name of the Award Year
Prof. Amotz Agnon Helmholtz International Fellow 2010
Prof. Yehouda Enzel G.K Gilbert award in Surface Processes on the behalf of the American Geological Society 2022
Prof. Yonatan Erez Professorship of Excellence award from the Werner
Patterson Institute, awarded by Kiel University, Germany

Prof. Lisa Heller Kalai

Bailey Award of the Clay Minerals Association


Prof. Boaz Luz

 Patterson Medal of the American Geochemical Society


Prof. Ari Matmon

Farouk El-Baz award for desert research on the behalf of the Americam Geological Society


Prof. Daniel Rosenfeld

Sanqin Friendship Prize on behalf of the Shanghai
Province for his outstanding contribution to the economy and society



Schaefer Prize for scientific and technological discoveries to promote changes in the weather


Prof. Dan Yaalon



Dokuchaev Prize on behalf of the International Union of Soil Sciences IUSS