
Awards for the institute students

Ben Tor


The Institute of Earth Sciences at the Hebrew University awards a variety of prizes to outstanding students. These prizes are designed to recognize exceptional academic achievements, encourage research excellence and support the next generation of researchers in Israel and around the world.

The Ben Tor Award


The prestigious Ben Tor Award, given annually at the Institute of Earth Sciences, is intended to encourage research in Earth Sciences and support outstanding research students in their field of work. A committee of researchers from a variety of fields at the Institute selects the winning candidate.

The candidates for the award are PhD students from all higher education institutions in Israel and abroad.

The award  ceremony occurs annually and features a lecture by a prominent international speaker.

The  prize of NIS 10,000 is courtesy of the generous contribution by Prof. Miriam Kastner, the widow of the late Prof. Yaakov Ben Tor


2021 Dr. Yoav Ben-Dor and Dr. Avishai Abo
2019 Dr. Yael Kiro
2018 Mr. Ido Sirota
2017 Dr. Shahar Shani-Kadmiel
2016 Dr. Shalev Siman-Tov
2015 Dr. Uri Ryb

2014 Dr. Yael Kiro
2013 Dr. Yoav Rosenberg
2012 Dr. Navot Morag
2011 Dr. Onn Crouvi
2010 Dr. Adi Torfstein
2009 Dr. Yaron Beeri

2008 Dr. Yoram Katz
2007 Dr. Uri Schattner
2006 Dr. Revital Bookman
2005 Dr. Tsafrir Levi
2004 Dr. Yuval Bartov
2003 Dr. Ari Matmon


The Shraga-Diker Prize

The Shraga Dicker Prize commemorates the names of the late Theodore Dicker and Menachem Shraga, research students at the Institute of Earth Sciences who fell in the Six Day War. The prize is intended to encourage research in the fields of geology and is awarded annually to outstanding graduate students in the field. The ceremony is held every year near the time of the memorial ceremony for the war dead from the Six Day War. The award committee consists of leading researchers at the institute in the field of Geology, and the award was donated by the family of Menachem Shraga and the Earth Sciences Institute.


List of award winners by years:

2022 Lilach Gonen, Ravi Daud

2021 May Laur and Ader Glazer

2019 Ben Dor Yoav and Weiner Shlomi

2018 Melzer Amit and Derbsi Yaniv

2017 Sirota Ido

2016 Elazar Oded

2015 Abu Avishi

2014 Rinat Yair and Shalev Neta

2013 Shalev Siman Tov

2012 Zlatkin Olga

2011 Yaki Weiss

2010 Curzon Itai

2009 Ron Shaar

2008 Alyssa Keegan

2007 Uri Ryb and Tami Zilberman

2006 Morag Navot and Ofra Stern

2005 Itai Habib and Yarden Mekeitan

2004 Keren Kolodner and Ofra Klein

2003 Yoram Katz and Amir Sagi

2002 Kruvi On and Ken-Thor Revital

2001 Shaked Yoni and Bartov Yuval

2000 Zafran Sarah and Moshkin Amit

1999 Matmon Ari and Stanislavsky Eyal

1998 Abelson Meir

1997 Lansky Nadav