Agilent 8900 Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS

Ofir Tirosh|

Manufacturer and model:
Agilent 8900 Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS

General Information:
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) is an analytical technique used to
detect metals and several non-metals at trace-level concentrations in liquid samples. It
operates by ionizing the sample with an inductively coupled plasma and then using a mass
spectrometer to detect the ions. The Agilent 8900 Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS uses two
quadrupole mass filters and a collision/reaction cell to minimize polyatomic interferences.

Key Features:

  • A suite of pre-set methods simplifies method setup for routine analysis.
  • Helium mode provides simple, effective control of common polyatomic interferences
  • Robust (low CeO/Ce) plasma for unmatched matrix tolerance.
  •  High sensitivity and low background provide the lowest detection limits for ultra-trace analytes.
  • Versatility and high performance combine to support advanced research and demanding applications.

Contact person

Ofir Tirosh -

A figure of the instrument