The Freddy and Nadine Hermann Institute of Earth Sciences houses a top-of-line Hirox RH-2000 digital microscope, equipped with a MXB-2016Z lens (optical zoom 20-160), and a set of adapters for polarized imaging of various samples in a wide range of conditions on a freely rotating stage, that can be adjusted delicately with a couple of x-y knobs. The microscope is capable of imaging petrographical thin sections of wide shapes and sizes, as well as samples of rocks and fossils, and wet samples. Images can be taken using the regular top camera and using a rotating mirror adapter, which provides 360 degrees rotation around a specimen. Images can be taken during analyses and time-lapse for observation of ongoing processes under the microscope. In the case of 3D sample, a set of images can be taken automatically using the stepping motor in several height steps to produce a clear and fully-focused image (multi-focus) of 3D objects such as rock samples and fossils.
The system is equipped with a complementary software package developed by Hirox, which provides a wide range of digital light and color conditions, capable of providing the user with 'publication standard" images, including notations, marks, and measurements. Embedded image-processing techniques allow the user quick line, area and height measurements, as well as statistical summary of analyzed images, thus providing quick (as an example) grain or microfossil size determination. Cross sections of three dimensional analyses can also provide detailed information on surface structures of the sample.
Please contact Yoav Ben Dor- for microscope use
The following sections were retrieved from the Hirox RH-2000 webpage, where more information can be found.
Fastest way to create 3D Models
When capturing 10 image planes, it only takes 1 second to display a high quality 3D model. The integrated stepping motor allows for faster, smoother,
and more accurate scanning with 0.05 µm/pulse precision and 30mm of automated travel.
ProfilingSimply adjust the slicer to visualize and measure any details on the 3D object: the profile created is like a virtual vertical cross section allowing precise measurements.
Volume and Area MeasurementVolume and area can also be measured on the 3D object by adjusting the horizontal cross section and clicking on the area of interest.
Writer: Yoav Ben Dor