Shaked Engelberg is a PhD student co-advised by Dr. Nadav Wetzler (Geological Survey of Israel) and Professor Amotz Agnon. She is a member of Neev Center for Geoinfomatics. In a large-scale comparative study, Shaked systematically quantifies seismicity gradient patterns for strike-slip fault segments. She defines a characteristic effective seismogenic width (in the horizontal dimension) for 15 fault segments along four major strike-slip boundaries: the San Andreas, Dead Sea, North Anatolian, and East Anatolian Faults. The findings show that in most of the segments, the effective width decreases with depth. The seismogenic width is sensitive to fault geometry, particularly highlighting segmentation along the Dead Sea and East Anatolian faults. This depth-dependent width provides insight into the localization of seismicity and the seismic susceptibility of peripheral faults near plate boundaries.
Shaked presented her research at the European Seismological Commission General Assembly (September 2024) and was awarded for an outstanding oral presentation.