MicroXRF (Bruker Tornado M4+)

Yael Ebert | yael.ebert@mail.huji.ac.il

Manufacturer and model:
MicroXRF (Bruker Tornado M4+)
General Information:
The MicroXRF system is designed to measure XRF spectra in solids (rock slabs, thin sections
and pellets) at the resolution of 20 μm to generate quantitative analyses of major and minor
element compositions. In may be operated to analyze points, profiles or areas.

Key Features:
The Tornado M4+ system is equipped with an automated XYZ stage that enables the
generation of detailed elemental maps. Two SSD detectors can be operated
simultaneously to increase counts-per seconds, and quickly cover a large area. The
system is currently calibrated to carbonate rock slabs, and carbonate and silicate
pellets. It operates under pressure < 2mbars to minimize matrix effects caused by
interactions between X rays and air.

Contact person
Yael Ebert – Lab manager

