Prof. Carynelisa Haspel
Research in the lab:
(a) We develop and utilize theoretical models that describe the interaction of radiation with particles in Earth's atmosphere and oceans. We are particularly interested in how best to model the effects of irregular particles, such as non-spherical particles, porous particles, particles comprised of disordered/amorphous materials, particles comprised of optically anisotropic materials, and mixtures of different components in the same particle. We simulate both single-scattering and multiple-scattering of unpolarized and polarized radiation. Our calculations have implications for modeling global climate and for remote sensing.
(b) We investigate discharges of lightning and transient luminous events (TLEs), such as sprites, which occur above thunderstorm clouds. We analyze lightning and sprite observations, and we develop theoretical models to help explain some observed phenomena, such as the circular configuration of simultaneous sprites and the shift in the location of sprites from their parent lightning event.
(c) We participate in collaborative efforts to monitor light pollution caused by artificial nighttime light and to simulate its propagation in air and in water, with implications for various ecosystems.
- Research Method
We build theoretical models and run simulations both on local computers and on larger computer clusters. We analyze observations using various statistical tools, including some machine learning tools.
- Research Studants
Ynon Hefets (doctoral student)
Guy Pulik (doctoral student, co-supervised by Daniel Rosenfeld)
Gili Kurtser-Gilead (master’s student)
Roby Harcz (master’s student, co-supervised by Nathan Paldor)
David Walk (master’s student, co-supervised by Yoav Yair, Reichman University)
Camille Labrousse (postdoc, co-supervised by Noam Levin, Department of Geography)
- Contact Information
Carynelisa Haspel | room 302N | phone +972-542122328 | email: