Interests: Geology, Speleology, Isotope-Geochemistry, Karst-Geology, Paleo-Environment
Dissertation Title: Chronology and geochemistry of old hypogenic karst activity and the relation to the tectonic evolution of southern and central Israel
This study uses chemical cave deposits (speleothems) of calcite and gypsum, to determine the chronology of hypogenic karst activity (below water table) in the past and the source of the brines that took part in this activity. The information about speleothems deposition is used to determine the chronology of the tectonic evolution of the studied area.
Stable isotopes of δ13C, δ18O and δ26Mg, from calcite, and δ34S from gypsum, are used to study the source and character of the brines that took part in the karstic activity (dissolution and deposition).
Methods in use in the study: speleologic, geomorphologic and geologic field observations, as well as stable and radiometric isotopes tests.
Other studies (head-lines):
- Development mechanism and rate of formation of piping cavities in soft lacustrine deposits of Lake Lisan, and its impact on surface development.
- Field survey of underground salt channels at Mt Sedom, Dead Sea basin.
- The impact of rock dissolution by bat guano on cave development in semi-arid climate.