Physical Oceanography in Multiple Scales (POMS) Lab

Principal Investigator

Dr. Aviv Solodoch

Greece greenschist

We research physical processes in the oceans and seas, including circulation, waves, transport, mixing, air-sea interaction, and ocean-climate interactions. The investigated processes span the spectrum of scales between meters or less (e.g. mixing, waves, boundary layers) to the global overturning circulation in the oceans. The interactions between ocean physics at different scales are some of our principal foci.


Research Methods:

We employ a variety of research methods, with similar emphasis on numerical/theoretical modeling, and on marine observations/experiments

Research Students:


Liron Michaeli (lab manager/technician)

Xingyu Li (PhD student studying the ocean surface layer)

Etai Warszawer (MSc student, studying bottom turbulence and sediment suspension)

Jonathan Miller (BSc student, studying use of UAVs in surface flow measurements)



Contact Information: 

Dr. Aviv Solodoch | | +972-51-2339913

Mr. Liron Michaeli (lab manager/technician) | | 052-4510555