Piston Cylinder

Ronit Kessel |  ronit.kessel@mail.huji.ac.il

Manufacturer and model:
Piston Cylinder (TecnoPrecisa Services, Milan Italy)

General Information:
End-loaded piston-cylinder apparatus for high-pressure high temperature experiments. This
piston-cylinder is a conventional end-loaded device, with a 13 mm piston bore. Pressure ranges
from 0.5 to 4 GPa and temperatures up to 1800 o C.
Experiments cover a wide range of topics: high-pressure high-temperature phase equilibria, trace
element partition coefficients, oxygen fugacity and solubility in dry and volatile-bearing mantle

Key Features:
The piston cylinder includes a main hydraulic upper ram that pushes on a pressure vessel. The
pressure vessel is built from a tungsten carbide (WC) core surrounded by concentric rings of
hardened steel. The sample is placed inside a NaCl or pyrex-NaCl pressure medium placed
inside the 13 mm piston bore.
Pressure on the sample is imposed by applying load to the hydraulic upper ram. Temperature is
raised by passing current through a cylindrical stepped graphite heater surrounding the sample.

Contact person
Prof. Ronit Kessel

A figure of the instrument
