Sedimentary Oceanography

Principal Investigator

Prpf. Adi Torfstein



Our research focuses on the signal transfer between the modern atmosphere and oceans to the geological record, the impact of abrupt events on primary and export production in the oceans, trace element cycles, and reconstruction of Quaternary paleoclimate from lacustrine and marine archives. We combine between time series of modern marine and terrigenous particulate fluxes, coeval seawater compositions, and biogeochemical cycles in the oceans (see the REDMAST project).

Research Studants

Dr. Clara Flintrop - postdoc

Gil Lapid - Ph.D. Student

Noy Levy - Ph.D. Student (Supervised jointly with Dr. Ralf Schiebel from Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany)

Efraim Brill - M.Sc. Student

Aden Clarfield - M.Sc. Student

Lea Sivan - M.Sc. Student

Contact Information

Adi Torfstein |

Lab Manager - Sigalit Amiran-Kan