This specialization deals with the structure of the earth, its development, the processes that take place in its depths and on its surface, and the interaction between the earth's mantle and the atmosphere and oceans. During their studies, students develop familiarity with minerals, rocks, and fossils, and achieve a deep understanding of the formation of mountain ranges, the movement of tectonic plates, earthquakes, and the dynamics of the earth. Students acquire the skills to prepare a geological map and extract information from such a map. In addition, students become familiar with groundwater movements, dating methods based on radioactive clocks, flood phenomena, landscape development and geomorphology, rock and volcano formation, coral reef construction, oil and gas reservoir formation, climate change and more. Laboratory experiences offer students the opportunity to work with advanced scientific equipment and to acquire advanced analytical knowledge in the characterization of solids and solutions. Knowledge and practical skills, which cannot be acquired in the laboratory or classroom, will be gained during field excursions and mapping camps.
Please note - We recommend participating in the integrated and abbreviated preparation course for the introductory courses in chemistry, mathematics and physics. This course is especially recommended for students tested for 3 matriculation units in mathematics, or 4 units with a grade of less than 85, or 5 units with a grade of less than 80.
Translation: Alie Naor