Alon Angert

Climate Change affects the terrestrial biosphere, while changes in the biosphere feedback and affect the climate system. Understanding these complex interactions is important at these times of Global Change.

Related research in our lab track the respiration in soils, and the internal CO2 movement and recycling within forest trees. In addition, we explore the engagement of the Alternative Oxidase in natural ecosystems. These research directions are based on high accuracy measurements of O2 concentrations and stable isotopes.

Other research projects focus on developing the use of oxygen stable isotopes of phosphate for tracking phosphorus in dust and its biogeochemical cycling in soil. This research is based on field work, remote-sensing and lab work. These approaches could help evaluate the effects of changing climate on the terrestrial phosphorus cycle, which is an important limiting factor for plant growth.

Finally, lately we have developed in collaboration with Prof. Amrani, from my institute, an approach to measure the sulfur isotopes of carbonyl sulfide (COS) and used this to determine its isotopic composition in the atmosphere in plant uptake, and in seawater. Our continued research in this field will help to better constrain global scale photosynthesis


Curriculum Vitae

angert lab














Terrestrial Biogeochemestry- Angert's lab Group


Tal Weiner - Lab Manager

Research Interests: The study of soil phosphate and its sources using stable isotopes analysis

chen davidson  

Chen Davidson - Phd student

Research interests: Studying sulfur isotopes of Carbonyl Sulfide in the atmosphere and in seawater, to better constrain the terrestrial global photosynthesis


Aline Naor  

 Alie Naor - Msc student:

Research interest: The effect of cellular PO4 uptake on the isotopic signature of extracellular phosphate in macrophytes and aquatic fungi. 







Yasmin Avidani - Msc student:

Research interest: Studying the oceanic source of COS and CS2 by sulfur stable isotopes, in aim to improve quantifications of global photosynthesis.


Former Members



Laura Bigio - Former Phd student

Research Interests: Atmospheric phosphate sources (dust, ash and pollen) and their contribution to the global phosphorus cycle.




Boaz Hilman - Former Phd student

Currently: Post Doctoral researcher at Max Planck Institute for biogeochemestry


H Lis


Hagar Lis - Former Post- Doctoral Researcher 

Currently: Associate researcher at the Plant science department at the Hebrew University.




Avner Gross - Former Phd student
Currently: Assistant Prof. at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev



Sasha Pekarsky - Former Msc student

Research Interest: Crane Migration study with oxygen stable isotopesCurrently:



Esther Peled            

Esther Peled - Former MSc Student 

Currently: Head of Sustainability and Environment - Sustainability and  CSR Group at BDO Israel



Sarit Shaltiel - Former MSc Student 



dust sampling