What do we learn in earth sciences? This subject is new to most of us. We only learned a little about it in high school, maybe we encountered it while traveling, or perhaps we took a personal interest. The subject is full of interesting questions: What drives storms? How is rain formed? Why do earthquakes happen? Where does the lava in a volcanic eruption originate? How were the minerals formed? How is a coral reef constructed? What really forms a mineral crystal (other than “good and bad energies”)? And by and large: What are we standing on? Where did this planet come from? Moreover, what is its fate, now that man has gained enough power to change it?
Why is it important? How can water sources in Israel best be managed? How can lead poisoning be minimized in Israel? Is the Sea of Galilee undergoing salination? How can the Coastal Aquifer be protected from salination? Can annual rainfall in Israel be increased? What is harming the coral reefs in Eilat? How can the problem of sinkholes near the Dead Sea be addressed? The answers, along with a wealth of other interesting questions, are taught as part of the study of earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, geology, oceanography, and environmental sciences. Their solution requires a combination of scientific tools from the fields of mathematics, computers, physics, chemistry, and biology. Therefore, the field of earth sciences is taught within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the beautiful and peaceful Safra Campus in Givat Ram.
The Department of Earth Sciences offers a program unique in its scope and quality, that allows students to specialize in geology, climate and atmospheric sciences, marine sciences, oceanography, and environmental sciences.
Studies include mapping excursions, lab work, field experience, and research cruises on the Mediterranean and the Gulf of Aqaba. The department's instructors are top-notch scientists and researchers, whose research focuses on key topics at the forefront of earth sciences.
First-year studies are common to all students in the department. The curriculum includes introductory studies in physics, chemistry, and mathematics, as well as courses that are department-specific. In the second year, students are required to choose one of two specializations: geology or climate, atmosphere, and oceanography. These specializations can be studied in either a single-track or expanded single-track framework, or as a minor. In addition, a minor in oceanography is also offered. The two specializations can also be studied simultaneously in an adapted two-track program of study.
Some of the programs in the Department of Earth Sciences are open to integration with another department in a two-discipline track (e.g., environmental studies, life sciences, computer science, physics, chemistry, “Amirim”, or humanities/social sciences). Students who choose to combine their students with those of other departments should be aware that there may be schedule overlaps that may require them to extend their degree studies beyond three years.
Please note - We recommend participating in the integrated and abbreviated preparation course for the introductory courses in chemistry, mathematics and physics. This course is especially recommended for students tested for 3 matriculation units in mathematics, or 4 units with a grade of less than 85, or 5 units with a grade of less than 80.
In addition, there is a direct transfer track from the Open University to second-year studies in the department. Further details can be found here.
Department tracks: