Magnetic minerals are virtually everywhere. They exist in dust, soils, sediments, rocks, organsims, and even extraterrestrial materials. Magnetic minerals are also extremely useful. Thanks to their ability to store magnetic memory and their sensitivity to changes in ambient conditions, they are a fundamental source of information on our planet.
The ultimate goal of our research at the paleomagentic laboratory is utilizing the wealth of magnetic information stored in natural magnetic materials in a broad range of applications in wide research fields including geology, geophysics, environmental research, and archaeology.
Currently, our group is conducting some paleo- and rock- magnetic surveys in different environments. To name a few: Pleistocene-Holocene Dead Sea sediments, Plio-Pleistocene Golan Heights volcanic sequence, Triassic rocks in Machtesh Ramon, Cambrian rocks in Eilat complex, marine sedimentary cores, cave speleothems, Wonderwerk cave in South Africa, Tel-Megiddo, Tel-Hazor, and a large number of archaeological sites in Israel.
Lab Equipment:
ASC Pulse Magnetizer
MS-2 Bartington Susceptibility Meter